Juan Ojeda
- Universidad: Universidad de Valparaíso.
- Profesor: Colaborador.
- E-mail: juan.ojeda@uv.cl
- Año en que ingreso al programa: 2004
- Dedicación estimada: 3 horas semanales.
- Grado Máximo: Doctor / Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- Año de graduación: 2004
- Tesis dirigidas en los últimos 10 años: Ninguna hasta la fecha
Línea de investigación: Catálisis Ambiental.
Publicaciones indexadas en los últimos 10 años:
- Patricio Baeza, Paulina Aballay, Camila Matus, Esteban Camú, M. Fernanda Ramirez, Johanna Eyzaguirre, Juan Ojeda, Degradation of Paracetamol Adsorbed on Inorganic Supports Under UV Irradiation.»Water, Air, & Soil Pollution», 230 34, 1769. 2019.
- Claudia Ibacache-Quiroga, Juan Ojeda, and M Dinamarca, 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing of Seawater Microbiota from Quintero Bay, Chile, Affected by Oil Spills, Shows the Presence of an Oil-Degrading Marine Bacterial Guild Structured by the Bacterial Genera Alcanivorax, Cobetia, Halomonas, and Oleiphilus, «Microbiology Resource Announcements», e01366-18, 2018.
- Christian Canales Valenzuela, Johanna Eyzaguirre Velásquez, Patricio Baeza Chandía, Paulina Aballay Vásquez, Juan Ojeda Herrera. Kinetic Analysis for Biodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene using R. rhodochrous Adsorbed on Silica, «Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S», 25 549-556 , 0.700, 2018.
- M. Dinamarca, J. Eyzaguirre, P. Baeza, P. Alballay, C. Canales, J.Ojeda. A new functional biofilm biocatalyst for the simultaneous removal of dibenzothiophene and quinoline using Rhodococcus rhodochrous and curli amyloid overproducer mutants derived from Cobetia sp. strain MM1IDA2H-1. «Biotechnol. Reports», 20, e286 , 1588, 2018.
- P. Carvajal, M. Alejandro Dinamarca, P. Baeza, E. Camu, J. Ojeda. Removal of sulfur-containing organic molecules adsorbed on inorganic supports by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous spp.»Bioteccnol Lett «, 39 241–245, 1847, 2017.
- Cecilia Peralta, Esteban Camú, R. Bassi, Mirza Villarroel, Juan Ojeda, Patricio Baeza. Denitrogenation by adsorption of pyridine on ni/support adsorbents. «J. Chil. Chem. Soc.». 61 3211-3213, 0.48, 2016.
- C. Matus, E. Camú, M. Villarroel, J. Ojeda, P. Baeza. study of the removal of 4-nitrophenol from aqueous media by adsorption on different materials. » J. Chil. Chem. Soc.». 61, 2898 -2902, 0.48, 2016.
- P. Baeza, R. Bassi, M. Villarroel, J. Ojeda, P. Araya, G. Aguila. Adsorption of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene over Cu/ZrO2. » J. Chil. Chem. Soc.». 60, 2817-2821, 0.48, 2015.
- Alejandro Dinamarca , A. Rojas , P. Baeza , G. Espinoza , C. Ibacache-Quiroga , J. Ojeda. Optimizing the biodesulfurization of gas oil by adding surfactants to immobilized cell Systems. «Fuel». 116, 237–241, 4601, 2014.
- Alejandro Dinamarca, L. Orellana, J. Aguirre, P. Baezab, G. Espinoza, C. Canales c, J. Ojeda. Biodesulfurization of dibenzothiopene and gas oil using a bioreactor containing a catalytic bed with desulfuring whole-cells immobilized on silica. «Biotechnology Letters». 36, 1649-52, 1846. 2014.
Proyectos de investigación en los últimos 10 años:
- Fondecyt 1150455 Biocatalitic microcosm for the simultaneous and selective removal of sulfur and nitrogen from gasoil. Investigador Responsable 2015-2017.
- Fondecyt 1140808 DESNITROGENATION BY ADSORPTION OF REFRACTORY COMPOUNDS . Co-investigador. 2014-2017
- FONDECYT N° 1110724. “Optimization of operacional variables that control the BDS of gas oil process in a continuous experimental birreactor”. Investigador Responsable, 2010-2012.
- CORFO GO TO MARKET 12GTM-16748 “Aditivo alimentario funcional para el reemplazo de antibiótico en la industria acuicola” 2012-2013.
- CORFO L4 12IDL4-16167 “Un aditivo alimentario funcional de origen bacteriano AAFOB para la profilaxis y tratamiento de Piscirickettsia salmonis” 2012-2014.